Monday, March 23, 2009

Keep up to date with Donnie

Donnie is now sending Twitter updates at You can sign up to get his updates online or your cell phone.

I tried adding the feed to the right side of this blog so I don't have to post updates every time Donnie posts, but it doesn't appear to be working when I view the page. Does anyone see it?


Anonymous said...

Yep, I see it.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I see it. Thanks!

Return of NKOTB said...

It's there! Great idea!

Unknown said...

Yup, I can see the feed, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving them on your page....I am still a bit tech challenged when it comes to twitter!

Anonymous said...

yes, we see it!! Thanks!!

Susana said...

Miguinha..o que é isto do Twitter??Loll..bem..ando aqui a arranjar a minha pag para ver se fica toda fixolas...ora ve la se gostas do esboço..é claro que tem de ter o jordan estampado né..

Anonymous said...

I can see it. Thanks for doing this!

Sandy said...


NKOTB News said...

Oh good, glad it was working for you. Today is the first time I've seen it working on my computer...

Anonymous said...

Erkkk ... but it's gone now. Wonder what happened?

Anonymous said...

It was there earlier today and gone now...seems to be intermittant.